We believe business, like life, provides you with the opportunity to help others be the best they can be, while you strive to be the best you can be. Along the way, be caring, be patient, be inclusive, be compassionate and never settle for status quo. The rest will fall into place.
Many people assume that the “Christopher” in our company name refers to our founder, Chris Berger. It does not.
Our name is borrowed from an individual who influenced Chris Berger tremendously, someone who taught him the importance of humility, humor and above all – passion for what you believe in and love, both in work and life.
This amazing person, who left a legacy with his untimely departure from the world in 1994, is Christopher Bowie. Lost at sea doing what he loved more than anything – big game fishing.
Christopher fostered an enormous respect for our Oceans and all its beautiful creatures. In fact, he lost his life during a big game fish catch and release – paying the ultimate price for giving rather than taking.
Christopher will always be remembered as an icon for unwavering passion for life – on land and at sea.
After 25 years, the family of a missing fisherman is still haunted by his loss